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Welcome to the REBOTNIX APP-STORE. Here you can find a few real life applications that you can easily deploy with the help of our SDK and models.



🚀 Introducing REBOTNIX SDK's Revolutionary "HumanDetection" App! 🕵️‍♂️📸

Unlock the full potential of your camera with the power-packed "HumanDetection" application powered by REBOTNIX SDK. Experience cutting-edge technology that empowers you to effortlessly detect people, providing precise head and body position coordinates with unparalleled accuracy.


Key Features

👤 Person Detection: Unleash the capabilities of our robust object-detection models to accurately identify and locate individuals within your images.

📷 Camera Integration: Seamlessly grab images from your camera with just a few clicks, ensuring a hassle-free experience as you capture moments for analysis.

🎯 Precise Coordinates: Receive detailed JSON outputs that include exact coordinates of detected head and body positions, enabling you to gather valuable insights and enhance your applications.

🔍 Class Names & Accuracy: Dive deep into the analysis with comprehensive class names and accuracy metrics, giving you a nuanced understanding of the detected individuals.

🚀 High Performance: Our SDK ensures top-notch performance, utilizing state-of-the-art algorithms to provide lightning-fast results without compromising accuracy.

🤖 REBOTNIX SDK Integration: "HumanDetection" seamlessly integrates with the powerful REBOTNIX SDK, bringing you the latest advancements in computer vision and object detection technologies.

📈 Versatile Applications:

  • Enhance security systems by monitoring and identifying individuals in real-time.
  • Elevate retail analytics with accurate foot traffic monitoring.
  • Augment your AR/VR experiences by integrating precise human detection capabilities.
  • Streamline automated surveillance for a variety of industries.

⚙️ Easy Integration: The "HumanDetection" app is designed for user-friendly integration, allowing developers to effortlessly incorporate the power of human detection into their projects and applications.

🌐 Stay Ahead of the Curve: In a world driven by data and insights, "HumanDetection" keeps you ahead of the curve, providing the tools you need to make informed decisions and enhance your applications.

🔒 Privacy-Focused: Our commitment to user privacy ensures that sensitive information is handled responsibly, making "HumanDetection" a trustworthy choice for your object-detection needs.

🚀 Don't miss out on the future of human detection technology! Embrace the capabilities of "HumanDetection" and elevate your applications to new heights with REBOTNIX SDK. Download now and embark on a journey of innovation! 🌟👁️‍🗨️🚀

Code Snippet

import sys
import os

#check for ROOT_PATH variable
  print("Please set the variable ROOT_PATH.")

#import rb_visiontools
import libs.rb_visiontools as rb_visiontools
import cv2

model_path = "../models/rb_humandetection_08012024.rvt"
# load rebotnix model
network, class_names, class_colors, width, height = rb_visiontools.load_model_rb(model_path)
# set detection threshold
threshold = 0.35

frame_path = "human.jpg"
frame = cv2.imread(frame_path)

# run detection on input frame
detections, scale_x, scale_y = rb_visiontools.do_detection_rb(network, class_names, frame, width, height, threshold) 



[('person', '66.12', (101.97705078125, 541.7099609375, 25.630123138427734, 104.38961791992188)), ('person', '78.18', (334.38763427734375, 537.84814453125, 21.73474884033203, 106.84178924560547)), ('head', '84.53', (368.518310546875, 490.7445068359375, 8.314499855041504, 20.676633834838867)), ('person', '91.95', (247.72618103027344, 554.002685546875, 31.663928985595703, 106.02625274658203)), ('head', '92.34', (334.8004455566406, 493.7833557128906, 6.54998779296875, 14.154684066772461)), ('person', '95.72', (492.4884948730469, 537.7385864257812, 56.21830368041992, 138.78570556640625)), ('person', '96.88', (347.937255859375, 546.09130859375, 31.58782958984375, 125.01248168945312)), ('head', '96.9', (349.2496337890625, 496.6132507324219, 10.398580551147461, 21.793455123901367)), ('person', '97.57', (367.2259521484375, 542.3174438476562, 29.55222511291504, 126.04492950439453)), ('head', '98.36', (472.1304016113281, 484.3265686035156, 19.180999755859375, 40.663814544677734)), ('person', '98.54', (408.9208984375, 520.1591186523438, 70.32339477539062, 179.79539489746094)), ('head', '99.55', (409.1029052734375, 459.6894836425781, 20.8946475982666, 50.398372650146484))]